In response to MoMA PS1's call for new ideas for rebuilding in the Rockaways after Hurricane Sandy, the 71% proposal by Reddymade Design + Horns and Tails Productions was one of the selected entries which suggests ways in which uncontrollable natural phenomena might be absorbed by the environment to create a balanced system of landscape, infrastructure, and architecture. A multi-layered proposal, it suggests several lines of defense and integration. More images and architects' description after the break.

First, an artificial reef is created from recycled elements, such as shipping containers and old subway cars, to protect against rising waters. Next, underwater turbines and wind farms are planted in the ocean to harness the energy of the storm surge and convert it to power that can be stored for emergency use. Third, strategic cuts into the land create channels that direct water into flooding zones or wetlands, which can serve as expanded nature sanctuaries. The patterning of these cuts is inspired by the geometries of formal gardens, creating an edge to the coastline that can draw on patterns derived from the local culture.

Lastly, a grid of vertical pylons set along the patterns dictated by the land cuts offers a system of anchors for floating houses. 71% envisions a world in which all vulnerable water-land boundaries will reflect this new typology, addressing both nature and culture, customized to reflect the culture of each location.
Rockaway, New York, United StatesTeam
Ruth Somalo, Lur Olaizola and Eva Tsoureka for Horns and Tails Productions , in collaboration with Suchi Reddy, Revati Narayan, Hyeonjung Lee and David Cook at Reddymade DesignMusic
MobyProject Year
Courtesy of Reddymade Design + Horns and Tails ProductionsProject Year
Courtesy of Reddymade Design + Horns and Tails Productions